“Finally a modern, pragmatic language.” Who among us wants to work with a multi-paradigm, highly-expressive, fast-evolving language with a huge standard library? We are talking, as usual, about… Python. There are scenarios where our trusty champion (C++11) doesn’t cut it. For a prototype to rush out in a hurry, a “single use” script, the server […]
Articoli con tag boost
Community Days 2014
Ospitati dall’evento italiano più importante dedicato alle communities tecniche Microsoft, abbiamo curato una track interamente dedicata al C++. Special guest: Ale Contenti, dal team di Visual Studio di Redmond! Modern C++, boost, STL, Visual Studio 2013, Cinder, C++/CX sono solo alcuni dei temi trattati dai preparatissimi speakers! 50+ partecipanti.