Michael Wong
VP of R/D at Codeplay Software
Michael is the Vice President of Research and Development at Codeplay Software, a Scottish company that produces compilers, debuggers, runtimes, testing systems, and other specialized tools to aid software development for heterogeneous systems, accelerators and special purpose processor architectures, including GPUs and DSPs. He is the Canadian Head of Delegation to the ISO C++ Standard and a past CEO of OpenMP.
More info about Michael at https://wongmichael.com/about/.
Marco Arena
Italian C++ Community Founder, Software Engineer at Scuderia Ferrari
Originally from Rome, Marco’s C++ and Software Engineering have been serving Scuderia Ferrari since 2011. Active in the C++ ecosystem as a blogger and speaker, he founded ++it – the Italian C++ Community – in 2013. Marco is also a proud member of isocpp.org editors. In 2016 and 2017 he received the MVP award from Microsoft, which recognized his passion and dedication to technical divulgation.
Raffaele Rialdi
Software Architect
Ha coltivato la passione per la programmazione fin dal Sinclair ZX81. Nel mondo dei PC ha cominciato con l’assembler, il C e il neonato C++ quando ancora era un linguaggio sperimentale. Dopo lunghi anni di lavoro e trainer su C, C++ e altre tecnologie nel mondo Microsoft, oggi ha raggiunto i 13 anni del titolo di Most Valuable Professional che gli ha dato la possibilità di stringere rapporti con i team nel campus di Redmond. Durante i suoi speech, in particolare quelli di DotNetLiguria di cui è presidente, non manca mai di stressare sulle bellezze di C++.
Marco Foco
Developer Technology Engineer at NVidia/Gameworks
Developer Technology Engineer per NVidia a Zurigo. In una vita precedente faceva il consulente in varie aziende italiane, ha fatto il ricercatore e tenuto corsi di sviluppo software al Politecnico di Milano ed è stato tutor di laboratorio all’Università degli Studi di Milano. Dedica il suo tempo libero a C++ scrivendo articoli farneticanti sul suo blog “C++ explained to my dog” (marcofoco.com) e creando entropia nelle discussioni dello Study Group 14 di C++ (Game Dev, Low Latency and Finance). Il suo progetto segreto è insegnare C++ ai neonati, ma non ne divulga i risultati per evitare l’accusa di sfruttamento del lavoro minorile.
Gian Lorenzo Meocci
Software Engineer
Davide Di Gennaro
Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft Bing
Davide ama presentarsi come un matematico, ma in realtà corrisponde alla definizione di filosofo. Dopo aver studiato a lungo storia dell’arte e analisi funzionale, si è dedicato al design di algoritmi e al C++. Dagli anni novanta, racconta con entusiasmo le meraviglie dei template e di metaprogramming; siccome nessuno lo capisce, è stato soprannominato “il professore”. È autore di due libri molto apprezzati sulla metaprogrammazione in C++. Lavora per grosse società, dove la sua vera identità è totalmente ignorata, e nel tempo libero si dedica alla fotografia. Qualcuno ha detto di lui che “rende possibile l’impossibile”.
Bartosz Milewski
Blogger specializing in category theory and programming
I have been educated in Poland, where I got my PhD in Theoretical Physics. I had several postdoc positions in Europe and in the United States. Then I suddenly found myself working for Microsoft designing and implementing a search engine. That didn’t work very well, since Microsoft was in denial about the Internet. I quit and started my own micro company, Reliable Software, which makes a distributed version control system. I wrote a book “C++ in Action, Industrial Strength Programming in C++.” I started digging into Computer Science, enlisting in graduate courses at the University of Washington. I became fascinated with multithreading and joined Walter Bright and Andrei Alexandrescu in designing and implementing the D programming language. Interest in C++ template metaprogramming and concurrency naturally led me to Haskell, and then to category theory.
Jens Weller
C++ Evangelist
Jens Weller is the organizer and founder of Meeting C++. Doing C++ since 1998, he is an active member of the C++ Community. From being a moderator at c-plusplus.de and organizer of his own C++ User Group since 2011 in Düsseldorf, his roots are in the C++ Community. Today his main work is running the Meeting C++ Platform (conference, website, social media and recruiting). His main role has become being a C++ evengalist, as this he speaks and travels to other conferences and user groups around the world.
Carlo Pescio
Software Architect, Consultant and Mentor
Progetto, programmo, scrivo e parlo di software da tempo inenarrabile, e strada facendo ho imparato un po’ di cose che mi fa piacere condividere.
Dietmar Kühl
Senior Software Developer at Bloomberg LP
Dietmar Kühl is a senior software developer at Bloomberg L.P. working on the data distribution environment used both internally and by enterprise installations at clients. Before joining Bloomberg he has done mainly consulting for software projects in the finance area. He is a regular attendee of the ANSI/ISO C++ standards committee, presents at conferences, and he used to be a moderator of the newsgroup comp.lang.c++.moderated. He frequently answers questions on Stackoverflow.
Phil Nash
Developer Advocate at JetBrains
Phil is a Developer Advocate for C++, Objective-C and Swift tools at JetBrains. Prior to that he worked in as diverse fields as: finance, agile coaching and iOS development. A long time C++ developer he also has his feet in Swift, Objective-C , F# and C# – as well as dabbling in other languages. He is the author of several open source projects – most notably Catch: a C++-native test framework.
Stefano Cristiano
R&D Director at Recognition Robotics
Interessi principali sono robotica industriale e sistemi di visione per l’automazione / embedded. Un passato come coder di engine 3D per games quando non si usavano Unity e Unreal Engine e bisognava crearsi tutto da zero.
Luca Ottaviano
Software Engineer at Develer
Eugenio Bargiacchi
Software Engineer at Develer
Sviluppatore C++ presso la Develer, si è laureato in Informatica a Milano e in Intelligenza Artificiale a Amsterdam dove partecipa allo sviluppo di codice per robotica e controllo di agenti autonomi. È da sempre affascinato dal C++ e dalle sue infinite possibilità, il che lo porta ad esplorare i suoi angoli più remoti e oscuri.
Daniele Maccioni
Software Engineer at Develer
Sviluppatore desktop e web presso Develer SRL, si occupa di C/C++, Python, QML, Javascript, Go, etc…
Paola Presutto
Senior Technical Evangelist Microsoft
Laureata in Informatica, lavoro in Microsoft da 12 anni e mi sono sempre occupata del “lato infra dell’Informatica”. Da Windows Client a Windows Server passando per il Cloud, prima come consulente, poi nel supporto e infine come Evangelist mi sono specializzata nel disegno e nella gestione di Infrastrutture. Sono sempre stata sensibile alle tematiche legate alla presenza femminile nell’Informatica e da qualche tempo ne parlo in modo ufficiale in ambito Diversity and Inclusion.
Sebastiano Galazzo
IT manager presso axélero SPA
Appassionato di Intelligenza Artificiale, progetta e sviluppa da anni algoritmi legati a tematiche NLP ed analisi predittive tramite machine learning, nonchè elaborazione delle immagini.
Microsoft MVP per la categoria Artificial Intelligence ha diversi premi nazionali ed internazionali e collabora con riviste di settore.
Attualmente IT manager presso axélero spa si occupa di ricerca e sviluppo nel mondo dell’intelligenza artificiale.
Alberto Bignotti
Software Architect presso ABACO SPA
Vent’anni fa iniziai programmando in Vb6, nel tempo libero mi allenavo con C/C++. Ho vissuto la migrazione da Vb6 a MFC che sicuramente qualche segno me lo ha lasciato. Oggi progetto Sistemi informativi geografici (GIS) principalmente nelle componenti server di back-end, se possibile la prima scelta per un nuovo progetto è sempre C/C++. Ho una moglie molto paziente, tre figli vivaci, appassionato di Basket e Mountain bike.
Daniele Pallastrelli
Senior Software Engineer presso Sadel S.p.A.
Mi occupo con passione di sviluppo software da oltre vent’anni, mantenendo un’attenzione continua a tutti gli aspetti teorici e pratici della materia, e cercando di non farmi condizionare troppo dal pensiero main-stream.
Attualmente lavoro sulle architetture di sistemi audio e telefonici voip per l’ambito ferroviario in un’azienda leader del settore.
Felix Petriconi
Senior Software Engineer
Felix Petriconi is working as professional programmer since 1993 after he had finished his study of electrical engineering. He started his career as teacher for intellectually gifted children, freelance programmer among others in telecommunication and automotive projects. Since 2003 he is employed as programmer and development manager at the MeVis Medical Solutions AG in Bremen, Germany. He is part of a team that develops and maintains radiological medical devices. His focus is on C++ development, training of “modern” C++, and application performance tuning. He is a regular speaker at the C++ user group in Bremen, a blog editor of https://isocpp.org and a member of the ACCU’s conference committee.
Anastasia Kazakova
Product Marketing Manager on the JetBrains CLion team
As a C and C++ software developer, Anastasia Kazakova created real-time *nix-based systems and pushed them to production for 8 years. She has a passion for networking algorithms and embedded programming and believes in good tooling. With all her love for C++, she is now the Product Marketing Manager on the JetBrains CLion team. Besides, Anastasia runs a C++ user group in Saint-Petersburg, Russia (https://www.meetup.com/St-Petersburg-CPP-User-Group/).
Paolo Severini
Senior Software Developer at Microsoft
I am a developer in the Windows team in Microsoft, working on the Web Platform (Windows Edge) Team.
Alberto Barbati
Senior C++ Programmer
Professional C++ programmer since 1995. In the videogame industry since 2000, works on several published projects for game consoles, PC and smartphones. With his personal brand Gamecentric, develops tools and middleware for videogame production and provides consultation services and training. Follows closely the works of the C++ committee, having presented two papers that have eventually been integrated in the C++ standard.
Vittorio Romeo
Software Engineer at Bloomberg LP
Vittorio Romeo is an Italian 22 year old Software Engineer at Bloomberg LP. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at “Università degli Studi di Messina”.
Denis Panin
Windows driver developer at NVIDIA
Speaker of C++ Siberia and C++ Russia conferences. Windows driver developer @ NVIDIA. Modern C++ aficionado, I even use SFINAE & type-traits in kernel-mode code.
Diego Rodriguez-Losada Gonzalez
Founder at Conan
Diego’s passions are robotics and SW engineering and development. He has developed many years in C and C++ in the Industrial, Robotics and AI fields. Diego was also a University (tenure track) professor and robotics researcher for 8 years, till 2012, when he quit academia to try to build a C/C++ dependency manager and co-founded a startup. Since then he mostly develops in Python. Diego is a conan.io C/C++ package manager co-creator and maintainer, now working at JFrog as senior SW engineer and C/C++ advocate.
Peter Sommerlad
Director of IFS Institute for Software
Prof. Peter Sommerlad is director of IFS Institute for Software at FHO HSR Rapperswil where he inspired the C++ IDE Cevelop. Peter is co-author of the books POSA Vol.1 and Security Patterns. His goal is to make software simpler by Decremental Development: Refactoring software down to 10% its size with better architecture, testability and quality and functionality. Peter is a member of the C++ standardization committee, ACCU, ACM, IEEE Computer Society.
John Biddiscombe
Computational Scientist
Computational Scientist at CSCS, the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre in Lugano. Specializing in Task Based Asynchronous Programming using multi-threading techniques and distributed parallelism. A Core developer of the Open Source HPX runtime library – and previously a contributor to VTK/ParaView the distributed scientific visualization framework/toolkit. BEng (Electronic Engineering), PhD(Software Engineering).
Fabrizio Radaelli
Computational Physician
I achieved master degree with honors in Physics at University of Milano Bicocca in July, 2017. After graduation, I attended an internship spot on machine-learning applied to the biophysical contest at Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh, UK).
I collaborated with the biophysical and biophotonics research laboratory of University of Milano-Bicocca to develop a Qt based software to analyze stack of images with a novel method. In this regards, I am the first author of a scientific paper (DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-17726-y) and I presented it at the International School of Nanomedicine “Nanofluidics, Nanoimaging and Nanomanipulation” in Erice. This work paved the way to develop an automated diagnosis and prognosis procedure for cancer based on deep-learning, I set up firsthand.
I collaborated with the biophysical and biophotonics research laboratory of University of Milano-Bicocca and with the industrial bioengineering research group of Politecnico of Milano to develop a C++ based software to control an adaptive optical element to solve the non-convex optimization problem of correcting the optical aberrations affecting convention microscopical imaging techniques. In this regards, I am a co-author of a scientific paper (DOI: 10.1117/12.2271832) and I presented this work at BiPLE (Biomedical Physics Lombard Event) at University of Pavia.
I presented a machine-learning based method to quantify biological features from images at the NEUBIAS (Network of European BioImage Analysts) conference in Szeged (Hungary). Actually, I am collaborating with Vyde s.r.l. and CIMSystem s.r.l. to integrate optimization and machine learning techniques in their CAM and 3D printing softwares.
Giorgio Zoppi
Software Engineer
Giorgio Zoppi , born 5/2/1977, is a Software Engineer that worked on different multinational companies such as Ericsson, HP Inc. and G&D.
He holds a MSc. in Compter Science (Pisa University) and Ms. in Project Management (EAE Business School).
During his period in HP Inc, worked as Firmware Engineer in HP Latex 3000, Latex 3500 and Latex 330 Printers with C++.
After leaving HP, he has been worldwide customization lead developer for HSM (Hardware Security Modules) G&D Credit Card Production using C++/Java.
Now he is working on Car Fleet Management for a small company in Barcelona and he his in the leadership team of the Barcelona C++ Meetup.
Michele Caini
Senior Software Engineer
Senior Software Engineer in everyday life, skypjack on the web. Find out what I do as skypjack to know who I am as Michele Caini.
Manlio Morini
Software Developer
Professional software developer (Business Intelligence, Data Mining, CRM, DMS) with experience in freelancing and starting a new business.
I’ve passion to produce high quality and performance oriented code and to learn new challenging technologies.
Particularly interested in real-world applications of artificial intelligence and evolutionary computation (especially Genetic Programming).
Area of expertise: machine learning, evolutionary computation, software design and development, C/C++, MQL, SQL, Firebird DBMS.
Other details: https://stackoverflow.com/users/story/3235496
Alfio Lazzaro
Computational Chemist
I earned my Ph.D. in experimental Particle Physics at the University of Milan in 2007. During that period and in the following 3 years, I worked on a project of optimization and parallelization of data analysis software, collaborating with HPC Cineca group at Bologna and the ROOT team at CERN. In 2010 I joined CERN openlab with a COFUND-CERN and Marie Curie fellowship. Within openlab, I worked on the optimization and parallelization of software used in High Energy Physics community for many-cores systems, in collaboration with Intel. I developed a C++ prototype for Maximum Likelihood fitting, which was also ported to GPUs and Intel Xeon Phi accelerators. Between September 2012 and December 2014, I was an application analyst at CRAY, based at CSCS (Lugano, Switzerland). My main duty was to support CSCS user community for the CRAY software products. In 2015-2016, I was a postdoctoral research associate at ETH Zurich, working in the CP2K team (Department of Materials, Nanoscale Simulations group), under the Swiss PASC project. Since January 2017 I have been working at the University of Zurich (Department of Chemistry, Computational Chemistry group), where I lead the development of the DBCSR library for Sparse Matrix-Matrix multiplications.
Federico Pasqua
Studente di Fisica dell’Università di Pavia, appassionato di simulazione, calcolo numerico e fisica missilistica. Ha scritto qualche tool in Python per la progettazione di camere di combustione. Attualmente studia fisica e nel tempo libero si dedica al razzomodellismo con il gruppo Aliseum.
Rainer Grimm
Independant trainer for C++ and Python
Rainer Grimm has worked as a software architect, team lead and instructor for about 20 years. In his spare time, he likes to write articles about C++, Python, and Haskell. Rainer Grimm also likes to speak at conferences. He publishes weekly on his English and German blog “Modernes C++”. Heise Developer hosts the German blog.
Now he is an independent instructor giving seminars about modern C++ and Python. He published several books in various languages to modern C++ and concurrency, in particular.
Marc Goodner
Principal Program Manager on the Microsoft Visual C++ Team
Davide Bianchi
Gameplay Programmer
I started as a programmer at the age of 16, coding in Pascal and, one year later, in C++ developing my first videogame based on the Irrlicht engine (version 2.8 at the time). I got my diploma as “Perito capotecnico specializzato informatico” at the age of 19, evolved in a bachelor degree 3 years later and after 3 other years in my current master degree as IT Engineer at Politecnico of Milan.
I started my career as Gameplay programmer 4 years ago at Ubisoft Milan, spending also several months in the Paris and Newcastle Ubisoft studios.
Nicolò Valigi
Software Engineer
Nicolo Valigi is a Software Engineer with experience in Robotics and Computer Vision. He has implemented camera-based localization for drones and Augmented Reality applications. He is currently working at Cruise Automation, where he manages the C++ toolchain for several hundred engineers working on self-driving cars.
James Turner
Senior Developer at KDAB
James Turner is a senior developer at KDAB, where he works on a diverse mixture of Qt, C++ and OpenGL / 3D projects, from large simulation applications through to small embedded systems. James has been working with C++ since 1995 (using Think/Symantec C++ on the Macintosh), studied Computer Science at the University of Edinburgh, and is one of the maintainers of FlightGear, an open-source flight-simulator project. As one of KDAB’s trainers, he visits a wide range of customers to deliver courses on profiling, graphics, tooling and build systems.
Dmitry Kozhevnikov
Software Developer
Dmitry works on C++ support in the CLion IDE by JetBrains, covering various aspects like the in-house C++ engine, inspections and refactoring engine, and clang integration.
Arne Mertz
Lead Engineer Zühlke Engineering
Arne Mertz has been working with modern and not-so-modern C++ code bases for over 10 years. He is a mentor and teacher for clean code and modern C++ for colleagues and customers at Zühlke Engineering. Since 2015 he writes frequently about those topics on his blog “Simplify C++!” and occasionally speaks about them at C++ conferences in Europe.
Javier Garcia Sogo
Software Engineer on the CONAN package manager team
After more than 10 years of programming in C++, Javier decided to tackle the hardest problem he had encountered: dependency management. He joined JFrog to develop Conan, the C/C++ package manager, with the aim of alleviating that pain.
Francesco Fucci
Software Engineer, PhD
Francesco has always been interested in software engineering since the young age. He got his PhD at the University of Naples “Federico II” where he worked at building tools for automatic software testing. Right now, his mission is to build high-quality real-time systems and to improve his C++ and Haskell coding skills
Valentin Ziegler
Senior Software Engineer
Valentin Ziegler is a senior software engineer at think-cell (Berlin), where he has been working for over 9,5 years. Valentin focuses on the development of layout algorithms and their integration with intuitive user interfaces. Recently, he became a member of DIN and is part of the German delegation in the ISO committee for the standardization of C++.
Roberto Bagnara
CTO and Chief Scientist at BUGSENG, professor University of Parma
Roberto Bagnara is CTO and Chief Scientist at BUGSENG and professor of Computer Science at the University of Parma. He coauthored more than 40 papers, in international journals and conference proceedings, on programming languages, static analysis and other techniques for software verification. He started working on embedded systems’ software in 1984, first at the University of Bologna (medical devices) and then at CERN (particle physics apparata) where he worked with Tim Berners-Lee. He is a member of the MISRA C Working Group and of the ISO JTC1/SC22/WG14 international standardization working group for the C programming language.
Valter Minute
Embedded Software Developer @ Toradex AG
Valter has been writing software for devices professionally since the end of the twentieth century. In his free time, he’s a maker and this also involves a good amount of embedded software.
He works for Toradex AG writing drivers and playing with containers.
Fabio Oleari
R&D Team Leader
Robotics enthusiast since the beginning, I received a M.Sc in Computer Engineering from University of Parma and a Ph.D in Information Technology with a dissertation on Computer Vision for Underwater Autonomous Vehicles. My research is now mainly focused on industrial AGV navigation and perception.
Stefano Monti
Technical Support Manager
I started my career at Beckhoff Automation back in 2003 as Support Enigneer. Since 2008 I cover the role of Technical Manager, taking care of support requests for some important OEMs, and of the organization of Technical Department activities.
Throughout the years I gained competences spanning from fieldbuses to complex Motion Control tasks.
Andrea Pallini
Software engineer
During my career, I became a full-stack c++ developer. I never stop to learn new features and new standards that help me in my job and give me good ideas about how to do my job at the best.
Besides my love for technologies and programming, I also decided to join the coaching team in Leica where we prepare trainings for new employees.
Furthermore, I got fascinated by the Agile word and decided to apply to become the Scrum Master of my team. I am successfully taking this rule without stopping to develop new features for the current project where I am working on.
Conor Hoekstra
Senior Library Software Engineer
Conor is a Senior Library Software Engineer at NVIDIA working on the RAPIDS team. He has 6 years of professional C++ experience and is on the ISO C++ Canadian National Body. He is extremely passionate about programming languages, algorithms and beautiful code. He is the founder and organizer of the Programming Languages Virtual Meetup, he has a YouTube channel where he covers solutions to competitive programming problems using various programming languages and he also recently started The code_report Blog.
Arno Schödl
Founder & CTO at ThinkCell
Arno is responsible for the design, architecture and development of all our software products. He oversees think-cell’s R&D team, Quality Assurance and Customer Care.
Before founding think-cell, Arno worked at Microsoft Research and McKinsey. Arno studied computer science and management and holds a Ph.D. from the Georgia Institute of Technology with a specialization in Computer Graphics.
Franco Diaspro
Software Engineer
25 years of experience in system analysis and programming on different business (networking, business management, finance, embed systems, real time systems, gaming). Strong background in analyses, development and testing of large projects. Main skill, development in C++ language in Linux Operating System.
Julia Reid
Program Manager at Microsoft
Passionate about delivering complete end-to-end solutions to make the everyday lives of customers easier.
Laurence Bank
The Performance Whisperer
I’ve been an “optimizer” for more than 30 years, but have dedicated the last 10 to advocacy and optimizing other people’s code. I understand enough about how computers work to know how C++ code will actually execute. Armed with this knowledge, I can make dramatic improvements to performance and teach others to do the same.
Fabio Fracassi
Software Engineer, Consultant, Teacher
Fabio has been a C++ Enthusiast for over a decade. He was initially drawn by graphical user applications, especially in the medical field, but started to focus on development processes and software quality more and more over the Years.
He is now working as a University Instructor, where he tries to pass on his love for programming to a new generation, and a consultant, mostly to improve code quality.
In his free time he attends to the ISO C++ Committee, as the head of the german delegation.
Walter E Brown
With broad experience in industry, academia, consulting, and research, Dr. Walter E. Brown has been a C++ programmer for nearly 40 years.
He joined the C++ standards effort in 2000, and has since written circa 170 proposal papers. Among numerous other contributions, he is responsible for introducing such now-standard C++ library features as cbegin/cend, common_type, gcd/lcm, void_t, and <cmath>’s mathematical special functions, as well as the headers <random> and <ratio>. He has also significantly impacted such C++ core language features as alias templates, contextual conversions, variable templates, static_assert, and operator<=> (the C++20 “spaceship operator”).
When not playing with his grandchildren, Dr. Brown continues as an Emeritus participant in the C++ standards process, with several more proposals under consideration.
Ivan Čukić
dr Ivan Čukić is the author of “Functional Programming in C++” published by Manning.
He is a senior software engineer at KDAB. Also, one of the core developers in KDE, the largest free/libre open source C++ project.