tdd – Italian C++ Community Mon, 24 Aug 2020 13:03:53 +0000 it-IT hourly 1 106700034 Meetup ONLINE – TDD is not about testing Thu, 14 May 2020 17:00:00 +0000

TDD is not about testing

Gianluca Padovani

Un nuovo appuntamento a Modena dedicato al C++ organizzato in collaborazione con l’associazione ConoscereLinux.

⚠️Evento online a causa del COVID-19⚠️



Saluti iniziali – Marco Arena


TDD is not about testing – Gianluca Padovani

Why should we use TDD to develop in C++ an also in generla? When we are applying it correctly? What are the differences that we can find in a code developed with TDD and in code not developed with it? Is it TDD about testing? Really? In this talk, I’ll show what is TDD and how can be used in a language like Elixir to design the small and the big parts of your system, showing what are the difference and the similarities between some different languages. Showing what is the values of applying a technique like TDD in C++ and what we should obtain applying it.


Come sono strutturati i nostri meetup serali:

  • presentazione tecnica con formato a scelta dello speaker (talk frontale, workshop, live coding, ecc)
  • spazio fare domande e confrontarsi
  • una pizza tutti insieme per fare networking e, perché no, parlare d’altro

In regalo a tutti i partecipanti i nostri mitici stickers 🙂
