
Newsletter Numero 41 - Novembre 2016

Italian C++ Community


Ciao C++-ista!


Ti sei perso il nostro ultimo evento?

Niente paura!

Qui puoi trovare video, slides e foto

(A breve tutto il materiale sarà disponibile)


Coding Dojo

Ogni mese organizziamo un coding dojo collaborativo aperto a tutti i linguaggi di programmazione.

Prossimo appuntamento: Mercoledì 30 Novembre a Modena

Scopri di più/Iscriviti



Eventi dai nostri media partners

NoSlidesConf 2016

3 Dicembre, Bologna

GoLab 2016

20-21 Gennaio, Prato


Per te un codice sconto del 30%CPP30


User Group Program

Siamo partner O'Reilly!

Codice sconto attivo:


News dal mondo C++ 


Dai un'occhiata a tutte le news segnalate dai nostri utenti!



  Tecnologie e Prodotti



Prossimi eventi


Call for sessions aperta

26-29 Aprile, Bristol


Il meglio del mese su ++it


Le discussioni più seguite:

Diverse domande nel gruppo "Neofiti"



Gli ultimi articoli

C++ Day 2016

Last Saturday the first C++ Day happened in Florence, a free Italian event entirely dedicated to C++. Almost 80 people attended (100 actually enrolled, the drop rate was ~20%). We co-organized the event with Develer. The event was sponsored by Soft2000 and supported by JetBrains and O'Reilly Media. The C++ Day was awesome! We had 6 great technical sessions, a Workshop, a Coding Dojo and a Q/A …


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Coroutines Internals

What are coroutines and why should I care? In The Art of Computer Programming Donald Knuth introduced coroutines as an alternative to the usual function caller/callee idiom where two pieces of code were treated as cooperating equals. Coroutines can be thought of as language-level constructs that generalize subroutines by providing multiple exit/entry points. A normal subroutine usually has a starting …


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Italian C++ Conference 2016

After two years of meetups and participations in Italy, last Saturday we had more than 100 people attending (130+ registered people - ~22% drop) the first edition of the Italian C++ Conference, in Milan, our new free event fully focused on C++. Hosted by "Bicocca" University and sponsored by RogueWave Software, we delivered 5x60' technical sessions, 1x30' sponsor demo session and 1x40' Q/A panel. …

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Unicode, localization and C++ support

This document doesn't attempt to be yet another Unicode article but rather target the fundamental points that should be of interest to a C++ programmer diving into the new standards and into the Unicode subject either for the first time or as a refresher. It isn't by any means a complete source of information on Unicode (there's no mention of …

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Le ultime offerte di lavoro


Letture e risorse consigliate


Dai un'occhiata a tutte le risorse suggerite dai nostri utenti!

TedX talk: The Driving Force Behind C++

di Bjarne Stroustrup


Leaky Lambdas


di Adi Shavit

Demystifying constexpr


di Edouard Alligand


Italian C++ Community
